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What are the different stages of startup fundraising?

Raising capital is essential for the success, and even survival, of any new Pakistani startup. Many business owners start with their own personal capital before realizing that they need more money to keep their business running. Thankfully, there are many different options and sources of investment for new startups. For simplicity sake, it is best to consider the different stages of startup fundraising. This way, you can assess which stage your startup is at, and make investment fundraising decisions wisely. Stages of Startup Fundraising Pre-Seed Round Pre-seed funding is the earliest funding round whereby investors provide a startup business with capital to develop its product in return for equity in the company. At this stage, capital raised is usually not more than $2 million. Moreover, investors at the pre-seed round tend to be friends, family, or the business owners themselves who invest in the startup. Seed Round The pre-seed round raises just enough capital to take the business idea off the ground, but it is not long before a startup will require seed fundraising. This is the first official equity funding stage. The most common sources for raising seed money are family, friends, new business incubators, angel investors and venture capital investors. Series A Once the startup has established itself in the market and developed a user base, it is a good time to consider Series A funding. At this point, businesses are usually generating between $2 million to $15 million in revenue, and have formed a solid long-term business plan. The most common source for Series A funding are more traditional and well-established venture capital investment firms. Series B Series B funding occurs once the business has reached the growth stage. This is all about expanding and raising the capital needed to support high demand. At this point, the business has proven to investors that it has major growth and profitability potential. This stage is similar to Series A, but there will be an incorporation of more Venture Capital firms that specialize in later stage investment. There also tends to be a key anchor investor that helps to draw in other investors. Series C Businesses that reach the Series C funding stage have already become quite successful and want to scale their operations. At this point, they may be seeking more investment to tap into a new segment, explore a new market, or test out a new product with additional marketing research. In Series C funding, groups such as hedge funds, investment banks, private equity firms, and large secondary market groups enter the picture. IPO Successful companies that make it past Series C funding may reach the finish line, also known as the Initial Public Offering. This happens when the business decides to “go public” and sell shares on the stock exchange to raise capital. By definition, the IPO process of making shares of a private company available to the public (on the stock market) in order to raise capital. These are the major stages of startup fundraising for startups. Interested in learning more? Contact us at Metric today – we offer the best bookkeeping, accounting, valuation, and financial consulting services for businesses!

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What does your Profit & Loss statement tell you?

Financial statements are an indispensable part of the accounting and bookkeeping department of any business. It helps you understand your current financial position, assets and liquidity, as well as your overall business’s health. Not only that, but it also is the perfect tool to use for making accurate projections for your company’s future. Clearly, keeping a record of accurate financial statements is crucial for all Pakistani businesses. The profit & loss statement (P&L) statement in particular is very important. Let us take a deeper look into the insights that a P&L statement provides. What is a Profit & Loss Statement? The P&L statement, also simply known as an income statement, is a record of your company’s revenue and expenses over a certain period of time. It comprises two major sections; revenues and expenses. Revenues show how much money your business brought in for that period, and subtracts the actual cost of producing your product (COGS), in order to give a calculation for gross profit.  The expenditure section takes the gross profit, and subtracts all operating expenses that were incurred during the period. This gives the final value for net profit. After net profit is calculated, dividends, tax, and retained profits are also calculated and recorded. What Does Your P&L Statement Tell You? The profit and loss statement tells you a lot about your business’ profitability, earnings, profit margins, and overall financial health.  In particular, it is useful for making further calculations, such as gross profit margin %, net profit margin %, and more. Such calculations help you determine how effective your business is in producing the product, and how much profit it is actually earning.  Here are some major insights that your P&L statement will give you: Are you earning enough revenue to cover the cost of making your product? If you have more than one revenue stream, how are they performing against each other? Where are you spending most of your money?  Are there any big expenses that can be reduced or cut out? How much profits are actually available in the business to take home, distribute to shareholders, and retain in the business? Are you efficiently producing your product? This financial statement, like all accounting and bookkeeping records, are also incredibly important for business valuation purposes. Investors will be very interested to see your P&L statement, as well as internal stakeholders when making future business plans for growth. Metric helps you do all this and more! Looking for the easiest way to get to your profit and loss statement? Download Metric today! Metric lets you track your accounting, and export your profit and loss statement at any time!

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