
Metric – The most founder friendly finance app in the world!

تحديثات المنتج

إطلاق الطلبات الفردية والجماعية

As a small business owner having a limited budget, you have to manage everything yourself. Metric helps you in creating invoices and tracking expenses but you have to add entries for income transactions. This is time-consuming and can get confusing at times. You often find yourself making mistakes and end up having to spend more time fixing them. We’re excited to announce our latest product update that simplifies the process of adding income transactions in our financial intelligence app. Our improved flow to add income transactions will save you time and reduce errors. You can now categorize your entries as a single order or bulk and the form that follows will ask only for relevant information. For bulk orders you’ll be able to add multiple transactions at once, saving you even more time. How does this feature work? With our latest update, on adding an income transaction, you’ll be prompted to select whether it’s a single order or a bulk order. Based on your selection, the questions that follow will change, making the process more streamlined and efficient. This means that you can fill in the relevant details quickly and accurately, without having to spend time sifting through irrelevant questions. Benefits: By selecting whether it’s a single or bulk order, you’ll only be presented with relevant questions, making the process more streamlined and efficient. This is time-efficient and reduces the probability of error. With less time spent on adding income transactions, you can focus on other important aspects of your business. This update allows for more customized and improved invoices. By filling in more detailed information about income transactions, you’ll be able to create more accurate and professional invoices for your customers.  This update will also let you categorize your orders as single or bulk. This enables the business to have data on the amount of bulk orders per month which is a key insight for future processes.  Our improved flow to add income transactions is a game-changer for small business owners who are looking to streamline their finances. With this update, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and have a better understanding of your business’s financial health.

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إطلاق المنتجات المتعددة

Running a business you often sell multiple products to a single customer. In such a situation you often have to add separate income transactions for each product sold. This is not only time-consuming but makes it difficult to track multiple sales to a single customer. This leads to errors, and leaves one frustrated, wasting valuable time that could have been better spent elsewhere. Now, what could be a solution to save one from this trouble? We’re excited to announce a new feature in Metric that simplifies the process of creating invoices for multiple products to a single party. This latest update lets you save multiple products sold in a single income transaction and share that invoice with your customer! How it works: While adding a new income, you can now select multiple products sold in a single order.  If you have to enter from a list of already saved items, hover through the product list and keep adding the ones bought. Tap to add a new product if it’s not already on the list.  Your work is done, Metric fills the rest of the form for you. When you add already saved products, the details will be autofilled like the total income and cost of sales fields. This avoids wasting time on repeating robotic tasks and lets you spend your time on better tasks instead.  Benefits: With this new feature, you can now add multiple products or services in a single income transaction, making it easier to track multiple sales to a single customer. As a result, when you have to generate a receipt, you can get it made for this one transaction covering all the products.  Entering the same details multiple times wastes time and also causes errors in retyping. The autofill feature also saves you time and ensures that you don’t miss any important details. This update simplifies your accounting process and helps you stay on top of your business finances.

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إطلاق وصول المستخدمين المتعددين

You are the founder of a growing business using Metric to manage your finances. In the initial stages, it was easy to add your entries regularly and let Metric keep track of them all. Now that your business is expanding, the workload of managing everything on your own is becoming overwhelming. While metric automates a lot of financial processes for you, letting only the founder have access to the app often puts an enormous amount of workload on one person. You need help with the day-to-day tasks of keeping your finances in order, but you’re hesitant to share your credentials with anyone else. You’re right, this compromises the security of your financial information. So, what to do?  This raises a need for other users in the same app with limited or specified access. Luckily, the metric app has just released a major product update that solves this problem. With the new multiple-user access feature, you can invite other employees to access your business account on different access levels, enabling collaboration and customized access. So basically, you don’t have to handle everything on your own anymore,  but you can still ensure that each user has the appropriate level of access to your financial information. How does this User Access Product Update work?  As the founder, you’ll be the admin and have full access to all of the app’s features, making you the primary account holder.  From there, you can go to the menu and invite other users.  You’ll get to choose the access level for each user from the 3 available that are:  If you ever want to remove a user, you can do it easily through your admin account by a few clicks.  Benefits of using multiple-user access 1. Collaboration  With the ability to add multiple users to your account, you’ll be able to work together more efficiently than ever before.  2. Customized access levels This will ensure that each user has the appropriate level of access to your financial information, adding an extra layer of security. 3. Distributed Workload By using this feature the assigned employee or individual can enter data from their domain and all the work doesn’t end up on the founder’s plate.  4. Transparency and Control  This feature lets everyone involved have access to information while letting the founder be in control and keep a check on all activities happening.  So why wait? Try out the multiple-user access feature today and see how it can transform the way you manage your finances.

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إطلاق تقرير المؤسس

When you’re a business founder managing everything on your own, it can get hard to separate your personal finances from your business funds. You’ll be tallying everything at the end of the month and the numbers just won’t add up. Suddenly, you’ll get a flashback of when you used your personal account to handle a business expense and things will start making sense again. Keeping your personal and business accounts separate is as exhausting as it is important. Overcome this constant state of chaos and replace it with something that’s both easy to use and reliable. That’s where Metric comes in! Metric helps you keep track of funds that a founder may owe to the company and vice versa, helping you avoid unnecessary mixups. The Founder Report is a useful feature, curated to streamline your company’s finances.  How Do Founder Reports Work? Whenever you’re adding income or expense into Metric, you are now asked to enter the payment status to decipher who has received or paid the amount for a particular transaction. This helps in identifying the payment made by or to founders so that a report can be generated to show the founder’s balance.  How Does the Founder Report Help You? With the Founder Report, you can easily keep track of all your expenses , including what you, as a founder, owe to a company and what a company might owe to founders. All the entries are updated in real time so you can stay informed about your busainess finances in a few clicks. 

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إطلاق وصول المستخدم

As a small business owner, you have enough to worry about without the added stress of managing your finances on your own. It’s not just the workload, but also the fear of financial information falling into the wrong hands. We understand these challenges, and that’s why we’re thrilled to announce a game-changing update to the User Access feature in our app. Gone are the days of struggling to keep up with who has access to your financial data, and worrying about potential security breaches. Our new update takes the hassle out of managing user access, and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. How does it work? Founder being the admin will have access to all features and be the main parent account. In menu, you can invite users and select access level. There are 3 different access levels view only. manager and full access. Manager access role can be customized accordingly. You can also remove a user. How this feature helps? Customized User Roles: You can now assign different levels of access to different users, such as view-only or edit access, so you have more control over who can view and make changes to your financial data. User Invitation and Management: Invite new users directly from the app and manage their access from one central location. Improved Security: Enhanced security measures have been implemented to protect your financial information and ensure that only authorised users have access. Have a more secure and efficient way for you to manage user access to your Metric account. As always, we are committed to making our app the best solution for small business owners, and we appreciate your continued support.

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