
Metric – The most founder friendly finance app in the world!

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نصائح قطاعية | تحديث المنتج

In the midst of the bumpy working conditions in Pakistan, where uncertainty prevails and the economy faces its fair share of challenges, carving a path for new businesses becomes an even greater challenge. In this ever-shifting landscape, where one-size-fits-all solutions lead to dead ends, and following the crowd means getting lost in the chaos of competition, you need something unique.  You need guidance customized to your specific needs, policies that work for you.That’s exactly what Sectoral Tips, the latest addition to the Metric app for our Pakistani users, offers. This isn’t your everyday map, it’s changing the game for business owners in Pakistan. Think of Sectoral Tips as your personal business guide. It provides super-specific advice tailored to your unique business, just like having an expert right by your side.  How It Works:  Here’s how it all unfolds in just two straightforward steps: 1. Profile Setup:  When you sign up for Metric, you’ll notice a special step in setting up your profile. You choose your primary and secondary business sectors.This information ensures you’re getting the most relevant advice. 2. Instant Sectoral Insights:  Once your profile is set up, you begin to receive sector-specific insights and tips directly related to your selections.  Just one more step when setting up your metric profile, and there you are, getting the best tailored business advice from the best accountants. How It Benefits You Metric has great accountants on board to ensure your metric experience is the best finanical guidance you have ever received. This new features amplifies metric’s productivity tenfolds. You won’t have to pay crazy amount just to get consultations. You can now get expert consultation just through your phones.  Let’s explore the diverse ways in which this features enhances your business;s prospects of success.  1. Enhanced Data-Driven Decision-Making:  You’ll have at your fingertips the key to making more informed choices for your business. No more guessing – you’ll have tailored, sector-based advice that speaks directly to your unique circumstances. 2. Performance Evaluation:  With these insights, you’ll be able to gauge how your business is faring compared to others in your sector. It’s like getting a comprehensive health checkup for your venture. 3. Goal-Oriented Steps:  Armed with sector-specific tips, you can take the necessary steps to reach your business goals. It’s like having a personal coach guiding you towards success. 4. Staying Current:  In the ever-changing world of business, it’s vital to stay up to date with the latest trends in your specific sector. With Sectoral Tips, you’re well-equipped to do just that. Your business journey in Pakistan just got a whole lot more insightful. With Sectoral Tips, you’re not just navigating blindly, instead you have the data-driven, sector-specific insights you need for success. This feature is currently only available for our users from Pakistan but will soon be available for our world-wide community. Hurry up and specify your sector to get great customized business tips. 

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إعلان تحديث الرسوم البيانية للاتجاهات

In the busy business world, every choice matters. As business owners, you shape your own dreams, growing your ventures and exploring the complex landscape. Have you ever wished for a way to look back in time, check how your business has been doing, and use that info to make smarter decisions? Well, that’s exactly what Trend Graphs, the latest addition to the Metric app, does for you. This historical context is vital for informed decision-making. By analyzing the trends and data, you get a good idea of what worked and what didn’t. It’s like a time machine to the past, helping you plan for a better future. How Does It Work?  Analyzing this graph to understand your past performance and patterns is a simple four-step process: 1. Add Your Business Transactions:  The journey begins by adding all your business transactions to the Metric app, just as you’ve always done. 2. Instant Dashboard Data:  As soon as you input your transactions, data starts populating on your dashboard.  3. Tap for Trend Graphs:  Now, here’s the game-changer. You can tap on any of your metrics, and voilà! Instantly, a trend graph unfolds, displaying the performance data for the last three months. You’ll see the highs, the lows, and everything in between. 4. Real-Time Updates:  These trend graphs update in real time. No need to wait for the monthly report or cross your fingers that things improve. You get up-to-the-minute insights into how your business is faring. How It Benefits You: The Impact on Business Owners This is by far the best feature added on the metric app for our valued members.It enables you to review your sales, expenses, or any other crucial business metric, not just in a static snapshot, but as a dynamic, evolving story. Trend Graphs empower you in several ways: 1. Real-Time Trends:  You stay in the know, always. When you know how your metrics are performing right now, you can make quick, informed decisions to steer your business towards success. 2. Data-Based Decision Making:  No more relying on intuition alone. With the historical data displayed in these graphs, you have a treasure of insights to fuel your decision-making. Whether it’s tweaking your marketing strategy, adjusting your inventory, or fine-tuning your pricing, the data is your guiding star. In the constantly changing business landscape, Trend Graphs will keep you on track They provide you with the valuable advantage of learning from the past and the ability to pave the way for a brighter future. Today is the perfect time to start making more informed decisions. So, jump into the Metric app and witness the transformation of business insights right at your fingertips. 

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Introducing Metric's VAT Revolution: Transforming UAE Business Finances!

إعلان ثورة VAT من Metric: تحويل الشؤون المالية للأعمال في الإمارات العربية المتحدة!

For our valued Metric users in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), we’re excited to introduce a game-changing feature – VAT Integration! Simplify your tax management and streamline your finances with ease. Managing Value Added Tax (VAT) has never been this effortless. How It Works Adding VAT to your transactions is now as simple as 1-2-3: Enter Transaction Details:  When adding income or expense transactions, ensure you input all the necessary information. Toggle VAT On:  With just a tap, you can add VAT to the current transaction. Automatic VAT Calculation:  Metric will perform the VAT calculation for you, instantly displaying the net total amount. Submit and Invoice:  Mark the payment status, indicate who made the payment, and submit. Your transaction, along with VAT, will seamlessly appear on your invoice. Why VAT Integration Matters The benefits of VAT Integration are transformational for businesses: Effortless VAT Inclusion:  Easily add VAT to your transactions, reducing the risk of tax-related errors. Automatic VAT Calculation:  Say goodbye to manual calculations as Metric handles the math, displaying the net total amount. Enhanced Invoicing:  Your invoices become clearer and more transparent, ensuring compliance with tax regulations. Government Reporting:  Keep track of what you owe to the government and what you’re owed, simplifying your tax compliance. For a comprehensive overview of your VAT amounts and transactions, the VAT report is at your fingertips. It’s time to simplify your financial management and stay in control of your finances effortlessly with Metric. Ready to Experience the Ease of VAT Integration? Discover the convenience of VAT Integration now! Head to our app – Metric and elevate your financial management to new heights. Streamline your taxes, simplify your finances, and take control of your financial future with Metric. It’s your partner in financial success!

إعلان ثورة VAT من Metric: تحويل الشؤون المالية للأعمال في الإمارات العربية المتحدة! Read More »

ستة أفكار لمشاريع صغيرة للتنقل في فترة الركود القادمة

A recession is a time when many people are out of work. This can be very hard on the economy and cause it to shrink, which means that fewer jobs will be available. Fortunately, there are still ways to earn money during these tough times. You don’t have to turn down opportunities just because they’re less lucrative than others; instead, focus on quality over quantity and try out new ideas that may help you generate revenue without having a lot invested in them at first. Consulting Consulting is a great way to make money during a recession. It’s also a great way to get your foot in the door with clients and learn about what it takes to run a business, as well as how much time and effort is involved in running one. There are many ways that you can start consulting business: Online Tutoring If you’re looking for an online tutoring business, there are plenty of options available. Some people prefer to find students on sites like Tutor and Udemy, while others prefer more traditional methods like Craigslist or Facebook ads. Regardless of which route you take, the most important thing is that you’re able to make money during this time in your life! Online tutoring can be very lucrative if done correctly—and it’s not difficult at all to set up an online tutoring business from scratch. If you have some extra time on your hands and want to work from home full-time (or part-time), then this could be perfect for you! Another good thing about tutoring is that you can teach multiple people at the same time, which gives you more value for your time and lowers your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). If you do your accounting and bookkeeping properly, preferably by using an accounting app or accounting software, you can keep track of your business metrics and maximize earning. Food Delivery and Meal Planning Services This is a great way to make money in the recession. There are a lot of people who will always need food delivered or meal planning services and they can do it from home. You don’t have to be driving around with a delivery truck, which is good news because you can use your own vehicle or you can use an outside service that delivers food directly to your customers’ doors. The main thing is that this business doesn’t require any large equipment or space; all it takes is an internet connection and some time on your hands! This means that if you’re looking for something flexible enough while still being profitable (and profitable fast), this might just be what you’ve been looking for! When running such a business, always keep an eye on your direct costs and profit margin. It can sometimes be hard to do accounting for a food business as there are a lot of ingredient costs that might get overlooked. If you can do your bookkeeping properly or use an accounting tool to help you, this could be a gig that really boosts your income. Financial Services Other people like yourself will also be feeling the pinch, and the need for managing finances will be high. If you have accounting and bookkeeping knowledge and/or experience, this might be the time to start your own practice and beat the recession while helping others do the same! Financial services are a great idea for a recession-friendly business. You can provide financial advice to people, help them with their finances and investments, help them with their taxes and debt, as well as insurance needs. Online Courses and Coaching Online courses and coaching are growing in popularity. There is a huge market for online courses and coaching, especially among job seekers who have been out of work for some time. It’s important to be able to offer quality courses that will attract students who have the same goals as you do. The best way to build your business is by offering high-quality training programs, so it’s vital that you know what makes your program unique compared with other companies’ offerings. Social Media Consultancy Social media is one of the most cost-effective ways to build your business. It’s also a great way to reach out to new customers and prospects, who may already have an established relationship with one of your competitors. Social media platforms are all about engagement; this means you need to be active on multiple channels at once in order to remain top-of-mind for prospective clients or customers. In order for social media marketing strategies like this one work effectively, it will take time and effort from both sides: the entrepreneur needs commitment from themselves as well as their team members so that they can dedicate time towards building relationships with others online (and offline), while those same people need support from management in order for them not only stay motivated but also manage expectations when things don’t go according plan during busy periods such as holidays.” These are all businesses that should still be needed and will likely be in demand during a recession. While there are many small business ideas you can try out to help you financially during an economic downturn, if you don’t have proper bookkeeping and accounting for your business, you might end up in a worse situation! Always keep track of your business numbers and key metrics. Take a look at how to survive a recession as a founder for more tips!

ستة أفكار لمشاريع صغيرة للتنقل في فترة الركود القادمة Read More »

البقاء على قيد الحياة خلال فترة الركود كصاحب عمل صغير

The business world is changing faster than ever these days, and that means that recessionary periods can happen without much warning. As a founder, it’s important to have a plan for how you’re going to weather a recessionary storm. Here are a few tips to help you get started. Tip #1: Find Expense Line Items You Can Cut / Outsource The first thing you need to do when a recession hits is to take a close look at your expenses and see where you can cut back. This may mean making some tough decisions, but it’s important to remember that your goal is to keep your business afloat during this difficult time. Every little bit helps, so don’t be afraid to make some tough choices. In order to do this efficiently, you need to ensure your bookkeeping is in order, and the accounting software or accounting app you use is able to provide you with key business metrics to make the right calls. You can also look to outsource some back-office work if it is cheaper to do so, like outsourcing the accounting and finance functions of your business. Tip #2: Prioritize Your Marketing Efforts During a recession, it’s more important than ever to make sure that your marketing efforts are focused and effective. This means Prioritizing the channels that are most likely to generate leads and sales. For example, if you sell products or services online, then your focus should be on digital marketing channels like SEO, social media, and email marketing. However, if you have a brick-and-mortar store, then you’ll need to focus on more traditional channels like print advertisements, direct mail, and local PR. The key is to focus your limited resources on the channels that will generate the most ROI. You might also want to start looking at a couple of very important business metrics: CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) and ARPU (Average Revenue per User) so you can focus on high ROI strategies. Some accounting tools and apps suitable for a small businesses help you track these metrics automatically. Tip #3: Focus on Your Core Customers During a recession, it’s also important to focus on your core customers—those who are most likely to continue doing business with you even in tough economic times. These are usually your best customers—the ones who have been with you for awhile and who have a history of spending their money with your company. If you can keep them happy and loyal during a recession, then they’ll be more likely to stick with you when times are good again. While no one likes the thought of going through a recession, the reality is that it’s inevitable from time to time. As a founder, it’s important to have a plan for how you’re going to weather the storm, and the right (and cheap) business finance tools, accounting apps and software to help you make quicker, better business decisions. By following the tips above, you can help ensure that your business comes out of the recession in good shape—and maybe even stronger than before!

البقاء على قيد الحياة خلال فترة الركود كصاحب عمل صغير Read More »